Testimonials, Unsolicited
“… I want to commend you on a beautiful, thorough, and usable index. I am so impressed with its depth and level of detail. Thanks very much!” Kate Haulmani, author: The Politics of Fashion in Eighteenth-Century America, University of North Carolina Press.
“I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank you very much again for creating a comprehensive, detailed, informative, and useful index of my book. Thank you!” Anto Mohsin, author: Electrifying Indonesia: Technology and Social Justice in National Development, University of Wisconsin Press.
“I would have never been able to complete this task in such a timely and detailed fashion. I really appreciate the precision of all conceptual entries. The index will certainly be useful for my book’s readers. I’ll certainly recommend your services to colleagues and look forward to working with you in the future.“ Javier Samper Vendrell, author: The Seduction of Youth: Print Culture and Homosexual Rights in the Weimar Republic, University of Toronto Press.
“The index really looks great, and I’m so glad to be working with someone who really knows what they are doing! We are so grateful, and I do hope we can work together again in the near future.” Thomas Fulton, co-author of The Bible on the Shakespearean Stage: Cultures of Interpretation in Reformation England (Fulton and Poole), Cambridge University Press.
“Excellent [indexing]. You know your trade better than anyone I know and are a good reader!” Vicki Mayer, author: Almost Hollywood, Nearly New Orleans, University of California Press.
Contact: J. Naomi Linzer, “the index whisperer!” at jnlinzer@gmail.com
“This is an unbelievably comprehensive index, which significantly enhances the value of the book. Many, many thanks for all of the work you put into this.” Alexander Karn, author: Amending the Past: Europe’s Holocaust Commissions and the Legacies of World War Two, University of Wisconsin Press.
“It is a beautiful index. The categories of analysis which emerge in the index make me see the book in a new way.” Tyrell Haberkorn, author: Revolution Interrupted: Farmers, Students, Law, and Violence in Northern Thailand, University of Wisconsin Press.
“Thanks very much for your hard work on this index. I appreciate your guidance to the author and your professionalism. She is happy with it and I will address any further issues.” Kathy Bond Borie, Editor, Ashgate Publishing Company.
Contact: J. Naomi Linzer, “the index whisperer!” at jnlinzer@gmail.com
“Thanks for your hard work in turning this around so quickly considering my dilemma! I was particularly impressed by the thoroughness of the more complicated entries. This is a great index and is sure to help the inquisitive reader who searches through its pages.” Ralph Clare, author: Fictions Inc.: The Corporation in Postmodern American Fiction, Film, and Popular Culture, Rutgers University Press.
“It is a thing of beauty. …. I truly appreciate the care you’ve taken with this. And, thank you for catching the inconsistency in the various short form titles–I will make sure they are corrected in the proofs as well.” Christina Elizabeth Normore, author: A Feast for the Eyes: Art and Performance in the Late Middle Ages, University of Chicago Press.
“Thank you for your thoroughness. It is complete, highly polished, and most professional.” Norman J. W. Goda, author: Jewish Histories of the Holocaust: New Transnational Perspectives, Berghahn Books.
Contact: J. Naomi Linzer, “the index whisperer!” at jnlinzer@gmail.com
“I am amazed by how quickly you produced this high-quality index! Many, many thanks.” Nancy H. Kwak, author: A World of Homeowners: American Power and the Politics of Housing Aid, University of Chicago Press.
“…I must say it looks excellent to me. I really don’t have any suggestions for improvement. Thanks for doing such a comprehensive job. The index you prepared will be of great use to readers and scholars, and especially to me a few years from now when I have forgotten where I wrote on different topics.” Douglas S. Massey, author. Climbing Mount Laurel: Affordable Housing and Social Mobility in an American Suburb, Massey, Albright, Casciano, Derickson, and Kinsey, Princeton University Press.
“Just [want] to say that it’s a first-rate index, now in the hands of the typesetter.” Carolyn Brown, Production Editor, Stanford University Press: Counter-Culture Colophon: Grove Press, the Evergreen Review, and the Incorporation of the Avant-Garde (Glass).
Contact: J. Naomi Linzer, “the index whisperer!” at jnlinzer@gmail.com
“Of all the books I have published, only the index for The Politics of Cultural Pluralism comes close to the rich detail, extensive subcategories, and careful cross-referencing of your contribution. Thanks again for your excellent work — a pleasure working with you…” Update: “Now that I have had extensive occasion to use the index myself, I appreciate even more its comprehensive detail.” M. Crawford Young, Prof. Emeritus, author: The Postcolonial State in Africa: Fifty Years of Independence, 1960-2010, University of Wisconsin Press.
“First of all, thank you! …. for creating a great index for my book, accommodating the press’s delays, and delivering the index on time. You have done really wonderful work here. It was enlightening for me to see my work from a different perspective.” Jennie Burnet, author: Genocide Lives in Us: Women, Memory & Silence in Rwanda, University of Wisconsin Press.
“Looks good –perhaps the best way I can say it is that your indexing is far superior to anything I would have produced!” Dwight W. Read, author: How Culture Makes Us Human: Primate Social Evolution and the Formation of Human Societies, Left Coast Press.
Contact: J. Naomi Linzer, “the index whisperer!” at jnlinzer@gmail.com
“Well, I got through the index faster than I expected, largely because it seems to be in great shape. Thanks for the careful, thorough attention you gave it….” David Sepkoski, author: Rereading the Fossil Record, University of Chicago Press.
“You’re the best! Thanks again for all your careful, constructive work!” Sharyn Udall, Independent Fine Art Professional, author: Dance and American Art: The Long Embrace, University of Wisconsin Press.
“I had a couple of hours to go through the index. It’s excellent and serves as an important key to a complex and wide-ranging text. All best, and many thanks for your excellent and punctual work.” Helmut Müller-Sievers, author: The Cylinder: Kinematics of the Nineteenth Century, University of California Press.
Contact: J. Naomi Linzer, “the index whisperer!” at jnlinzer@gmail.com
“I am really happy with the index and I know I could not have done it myself. So, thank you for giving me such a good product…” Chikako Takeshita, author: The Biopolitics of Contraceptive Development: Population, Women’s Bodies, and the IUD, MIT Press.
“… I want to commend you on a beautiful, thorough, and usable index. I am so impressed with its depth and level of detail. Thanks very much!” Kate Haulmani, author: The Politics of Fashion in Eighteenth-Century America, University of North Carolina Press.
“Thanks very much for hanging in there on this project. Did I tell you that David Bindman, the main editor, is extremely happy with the indexes?” Liz Duval, Project Editor, TNTEditorial; The Image of the Black in Western Art, Vols. 1 through 6, Bindman and Gates, Harvard University Press.
Contact: J. Naomi Linzer, “the index whisperer!” at jnlinzer@gmail.com
“I would like to thank you for your efficient and meticulous indexing of my book. I will certainly recommend you to my colleagues.” Jacob Shamir, author: Palestinian and Israeli Public Opinion: The Public Imperative in the Second Intifada, Indiana University Press.
“The index was definitely to our satisfaction. Thank you so much for your excellent work, and on short notice. I especially appreciated the proactive and professional way you got the job done.” Peter DiCola, author: Creative License: The Law and Culture of Digital Sampling, DiCola and McLeod, Duke University Press.
Contact: J. Naomi Linzer, “the index whisperer!” at jnlinzer@gmail.com
“I can’t believe how thoroughly you read all of the text, not just the proper nouns but everything, so that you catch missed conjunctions and dropped infinitives –very good attention to detail.” Gerald Carbone, author: Washington: Lessons in Leadership, Palgrave McMillan.
“Also, I have to tell you that your index for the Mooney [book] was just gorgeous –really one of the best I’ve seen in ages. It’s a pleasure to work with you.” Caroline Knapp, Project Manager, University of California Press. Faith Makes Us Live, Mooney, University of California Press.
“You are amazing — you got through such a big book so quickly and so comprehensively! Thanks again for taking this on at such short notice — you saved my bacon.” Liz Duvall, Managing Editor, TNTEditorial.
Contact: J. Naomi Linzer, “the index whisperer!” at jnlinzer@gmail.com
“I wanted to mention, and realize I hadn’t, how much I appreciate your really excellent work. Thanks!” Alan Tansman, author: The Japanese Culture of Fascism, Duke University Press.
“I love [the index]. It is thorough and imaginative. I would not have had the time to put something like that together particularly this semester. Thanks again for all your hard work.” Donna Robinson Divine, author: Exiled In the Homeland, Divine, University of Texas Press.
“The index looks superb–very detailed, very accurate. I did a bit of spot-checking on page numbers and so forth, and I am delighted with your work. You can be sure that I will be recommending you to fellow authors!” Dr. Elizabeth A. Throop, author: Psychotherapy, American Culture, and Social Policy, Palgrave McMillan.
Contact: J. Naomi Linzer, “the index whisperer!” at jnlinzer@gmail.com
“I’m so impressed by the way you managed to make this difficult, dense stuff [philosophical concepts and the like] comprehensible! I’m also grateful for your care in following the correct format and being consistent, which reduces the need for editing. Thanks so much.” Liz Duvall, Managing Editor, TNTEditorial.
“…[a colleague is] looking for an indexer and I told him you are the BEST!” Tom Boellstorff, author: The Gay Archipelago, Duke University Press.
Contact: J. Naomi Linzer, “the index whisperer!” at jnlinzer@gmail.com

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